Foot problems can be difficult and embarrassing. Walk comfortably with pedorthics.
"Few people have ever heard of a pedorthist until they need one."
Pedorthics is the design, manufacture, modification, and fit of footwear, including foot orthoses, to alleviate problems caused by disease, overuse, congenital defect, or injury. It's footwear, carefully fitted, to relieve or accommodate temporary or permanent foot problems.
It can also look so "mainstream" that others don't realize a foot problem exists. It costs less than a lot of people expect. And it can help people stay healthy.
Board certified pedorthists use footwear, modifications, and pedorthic devices to help ease foot problems. A pedorthist works as part of the health care team by filling doctors' prescriptions, making doctor referrals when warranted, and dispensing footwear products to keep people as mobile as possible.
Over the course of a lifetime, most people experience some type of foot problem. It may be as simple as a blister or callous or something complicated enough to require hospitalization, but the majority of foot problems, although they can be serious in degree, are relatively routine in nature.
Inquire about pedorthic services.
Severe foot conditions require that you consult your physician first.